Dear friends, join me to Celebrate my father, Apostle, Mentor, A living Legend of our time. The man who nurtured & equipped me for the work of ministry, gave me my first preaching platform, taught me the power of vision, a master strategist! Happy birthday . Wishing you God\’s riches best.
Bro Emma Okorie: Who is He?
Bro Emma rose from a very humble background and started out in life without the privilege most people have but today he has silently caused a revolution through the Apostolic ministry.
Coming in contact with him 28 years ago, watching and following the ministry closely these years has given me an insight into the life of one of the greatest achiever of our time.
Growing up from a poor background, he did not fall into the temptation of letting wealth and international exposure get the better part of him. He had a strong commitment to fulfill the call of God upon his life at an early age of 17.
He gave his life to Christ in 1967 at Scripture Union, Mission Hill Umuahia. Was mentored and served under the tutelage of Bill Roberts, a British missionary who found himself worthless to save the lost. Bill Roberts went through hazardous life to raise missionaries for post civil war.
Grooming and mentoring Bro Emma from a boxer to a preacher. He taught him and proved him during the war by putting him in charge of a warehouse of relief materials sent by donor nations to save ibos from starvation.
Bro Emma Okorie became a Joseph in charge of distributing food to people as they lined up everyday to collect their ration.
The last of nine children, but became messiah to his entire family, community, Nigeria and the world at large.
He stepped out into itinerant evangelist ministry in an age when even the church of that day thought he was foolhardy. Leading a band of young men who all depended on him for direction through the length and breath of Nigeria.
The deaf heared, the dumb spoke, the blind saw and the dead were raised back to life besides other incurable diseases that were destroyed. Carrying generating sets on their heads, climbing mountains to get to people that had not heared the gospel.
Later in life, he met the amiable Chinyere Mba who later became his heart robe, Proposing to her in an usual manner. The two sacrificed their comfort to preach the gospel. Marriage could not stop his itinerant ministry. With her support, he became more and more daring in faith.
From Oral Roberts University, he moved to Rhema Bible Training Center on the advice of the Dean. Where God gave him a design of a bible school of practical application and what we know today as LWTC which has revolutionized the Christianity in this part of the world and beyond. A school am proud to be one of its graduating student.
The revolution is the practical application of the “five fold ministry” otherwise called the Apostolic Ministry in the church as enshrined in the scriptures and that is really what makes Living Word Ministry quite different from others.
He established the Living Word training center with the vision of equipping the believers for the work of ministry. The school is not for a ‘collared few”. Here everybody is somebody and only Jesus is Lord. Soon the students of the school began to hunger to practice what they had been taught. To solve that problem, Bro Emma planted a church, then another and another. Today he has planted outpost churches In Nigeria, USA, UK, Poland, Germany, South Africa, Togo etc
Out of a burden to get children trained in the way of the Lord, so that when they grow, they would not depart from it, bro Emma started the LWA in his house.
What bro Emma started as a mustard seed as a mustard seed stands today as a towering oak tree. The educational arm is one of the mission thrust of this great and humble servant of God.