Heiko Maas
Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor
Federal Republic of Germany
Federal Foreign Office (Berlin Head Office)
Street address:
Werderscher Markt 1
10117 Berlin
Postal address:
Auswärtiges Amt
11013 Berlin

August 20, 2019

Alhaji Muhammadu Buhari
President of Nigeria
Aso Rock,
Abuja FCT, Abuja, Nigeria.

Dear Alhaji,

Re: Request to Prosecute Nigerian Political Protestors at Nuremberg.

I find it highly provocative and unusually undiplomatic, for a Government that created the conditions that drove her citizens into exile, to request that same citizens be prosecuted by the host country, for demanding justice and equity from their government officials.

Germany is a democratic country that has taken in, and granted asylum to refugees from all over the world. Freedom of association and the right to political protest is the right of everyone resident in Germany. I, Heiko Maas has been plastered with rotten eggs and rotten tomatoes by my constituents. It comes with the office. No protester was shot, jailed, killed, or deported.

Everyday, my Ambassador to Nigeria, Bernhard Schlagheck informs me of the atrocities being perpetrated by Fulani Terrorist Herdsmen on unarmed innocent Nigerians as part of an ethnic cleansing program and eventual ruganization of Nigeria. These atrocities include kidnapping, rape, torture, maiming, slaughter, and disembowelment. Obviously, the protesters have had enough.

The German Government will honor your request to prosecute the protesters who demanded that their representative does his job in Nigeria as soon as you coral, prosecute, and incarcerate your Fulani Terrorist kinsmen.

If Senator Ike Ekweremadu was not sleeping on the job, and did his duties as a representative of his constituents, his constituents will be in Nigeria eating yam and not eating yam in Germany. Yams do not grow in Germany. Creating the right enabling environment in Nigeria would result in a reverse brain drain that would greatly accelerate development in Nigeria.

Finally, once my Ambassador to Nigeria confirms that the Fulani Terrorist Herdsmen have been pacified, I will be glad to counsel Nigerians in Germany to courteously treat visiting Nigeria dignitaries. Political protest is not a prosecutable offense in Germany.

Sincerely yours,

Heiko Maas
Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor
Federal Republic of Germany

Heiko Maas
Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor
Federal Republic of Germany
Federal Foreign Office (Berlin Head Office)
Street address:
Werderscher Markt 1
10117 Berlin
Postal address:
Auswärtiges Amt
11013 Berlin

20. August 2019

Alhaji Muhammadu Buhari
Präsident von Nigeria
Aso Rock,
Abuja FCT, Abuja, Nigeria.

Lieber Alhaji,

Betreff: Antrag auf Verfolgung nigerianischer politischer Demonstranten in Nürnberg.

Ich finde es äußerst provokativ und ungewöhnlich undiplomatisch, wenn eine Regierung, die die Bedingungen geschaffen hat, die ihre Bürger ins Exil getrieben haben, die Strafverfolgung derselben Bürger durch das Gastland fordert, weil sie von ihren Regierungsbeamten Gerechtigkeit und Gerechtigkeit verlangt.

Deutschland ist ein demokratisches Land, das Flüchtlingen aus aller Welt Asyl gewährt. Vereinigungsfreiheit und das Recht auf politischen Protest sind das Recht aller in Deutschland wohnhaften Personen. Ich, Heiko Maas, bin von meinen Wählern mit faulen Eiern und Tomaten übergossen worden. Es kommt mit dem Büro. Kein Demonstrant wurde erschossen, eingesperrt, getötet oder deportiert.

Jeden Tag, mein Botschafter in Nigeria, informiert mich Bernhard Schlagheck über die Gräueltaten, die Fulani Terrorist Herdsmen an unbewaffneten, unschuldigen Nigerianern im Rahmen eines ethnischen Säuberungsprogramms und einer eventuellen Ruganisierung Nigerias begangen haben. Zu diesen Gräueltaten zählen Entführungen, Vergewaltigungen, Folter, Verstümmelung, Schlachtung und Ausweidung. Offensichtlich haben die Demonstranten genug.

Die deutsche Regierung wird Ihrem Ersuchen nachkommen, die Demonstranten zu verfolgen, die von ihrem Vertreter verlangt haben, seine Arbeit in Nigeria zu verrichten, sobald Sie Ihre Fulani-Terroristen inhaftiert haben.

Wenn Senator Ike Ekweremadu nicht am Arbeitsplatz geschlafen hat und seine Pflichten als Vertreter seiner Wähler wahrgenommen hat, werden seine Wähler in Nigeria Yam essen und in Deutschland Yam nicht essen. Yamswurzeln wachsen nicht in Deutschland. Die Schaffung eines geeigneten Umfelds in Nigeria würde zu einer Abwanderung von Fachkräften führen, die die Entwicklung in Nigeria erheblich beschleunigen würde.

Wenn mein Botschafter in Nigeria bestätigt, dass die Fulani-Terroristen besänftigt wurden, bin ich froh, den Nigerianern in Deutschland raten zu können, Nigeria-Würdenträger höflich zu behandeln. Politischer Protest ist in Deutschland keine strafbare Handlung.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Heiko Maas
Außenminister und Vizekanzler
Bundesrepublik Deutschland

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Ikechukwu Anyanwu
PROFILE OF IKECHUKWU ANYANWU Ikechukwu Anyanwu is an Imo State born Nigerian. An Author, Public Speaker, Humanitarian, Blogger, Media Guru and Start-up Coach. He has inspired millions through Arise Africa Network Platform He Is Into Education, Media, Entertainment, Showbiz and Hospitality Industry. Having calved a nitche for himself as a leadership expert, human capital development and management consultant. He is currently the Chairman, Online Media practitioners Association of Nigeria, Imo State Chapter. Ceo Arise Africa Magazine, Founder Arise Africa Network – a non-profit organization. Face of Arise Africa, Managing Consultant GCFN Consult. Member, Imo State Bloggers Association. Ag National President, Association of Pageant CEO’s of Nigeria Human Resource Specialist and Leadership Coach with astute impact on many seeking to maximize their skills, intellectuals and innate potentials He has a track record of reproducing leaders and helping them to gain dominance within their nitch. Mr Anyanwu after a rich career that spanned for 18 years having worked as Human Resources Manger, Outlet Manager Rennys Foods Limited from 2004 – 2019, Management Consultant for various Quick Service Restaurants in Abuja, Enugu, Rivers State, Abia, Ebonyi, Kogi and Imo State is now focusing on helping young people to discover, develop their talents. He has built lots of platforms for young people of Africa to express their talents. He is passionate about writing, consulting, coaching and training. He blogs regularly via www.ariseafrika.com and has a thriving social media followership. He is a graduate of Sociology/Anthropology, Imo State University whose passion is to impart knowledge by educating, equipping and empowering young minds for the future. He is an alumni of Living Word Training Center He is also the West African Representative of All African Media Networks He is married to Mrs Carol Anyanwu and blessed with 3 sons.


  1. Heiko Maas is God sent to his people and to the world at large… He does not support evil and God will bless him more and also give him more wisdom for seeing the truth and boldly say it…

  2. Be careful what you ask for. The same people in whose country the holocaust took place and still more atrocities against immigrants now feel or act like they are a democratic nation? Be careful what you praise, plebians.

  3. Mister poster, germany has learnt from dir mistks of d past. Hv ur country???. Hv we changed?? Year in year out , we get learders who dont hv d masses at heart but go abt eating d wealth of d country. I wish so much dat suxh protests in germany can b done here ,so dat d learders wuld become wise.Its pple like u dat mk dis country wat it is.Instead of condenming ur country officials u r busy pointing out d past of d odr country.U r a shame

  4. Well, l still doubt the source of this message. In diplomatic circles, governments don't castigate one another openly unless where there's some break in ties.

  5. Look at what black African so called leaders do in the name of governance.Poorly disguised robber,brigandage and primitivismWho can save Africa from these utsurpets

  6. Fellow Fellow Nigerians take heart and continue trusting in the Lord and stop kidnapping. Each other because. Of lack of payment of job done and has left millions wondering where the next meal will come especially if you have children that have to go. To school.Just have Faith and believe and be Honest in All things and you see yhe Mighty hands of our. God stepping. In and work Miracle s. Maybe this is the cross that all of us. have to carry for awhile,you remember. Ghana? Then take and obey the Law. Of the Land and trust God and LoVE one another. God is a miracle working God and he will do his job because he keeps his promises.Take heart.bye for now.


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