As a prelude into a proper exposition of the above subject, it has become imperative to know what the topic really signifies, to be in alignment with God in essence means maintaining the same balance with his spirit. Alignment has to do with one’s connection with God.It goes beyond one’s behavior.
The almighty cares so much about it, he wants us his children to be in alignment with his will once we are united with the lord, we will adhere to all his instruction even when he requests from us to do the impossible.
When we realize our spiritual alignment, it will enlarge our life and multiply our effectiveness because it will take away from us all sense of doubt, feelings of inability to buffet the storms of life it will give us a new meaning of living.Life will take on a whole new meaning, when we live in constant realization of our alignment with the lord.The nearer we are to the lord the greater our strength.There is no true success in ministry not until we connect with the most high, When we fail in aligning ourselves with the lord we will not be able to do anything.
Havingbeen savedby grace , we are his chosen ones , we live bythe aidofthe holy spirit, by faith .weshould seekGodsguidance and direction through his wordto perform well in thevarious ministries where the lord has called us.He has appointed teachers, preachers, prophets, singers, and evangelists. Without this connection, we simply drift away from God’s plan and purpose for us in life.
Many a time, we have all been guilty of being overly confident in our own abilities.Our insensitivityatsome pointsoverinflateoursenseof self – assurancethus creatinga bridgeinthe flow of communication. We no longer seek to hear from God before any decision. In other cases many of us start in the right way, always seeking the guidance of the lord, but as we begin to develop a level ofcomfortthatthe lordis with uswe startpayinglessattentiontothe guidanceof thelord . we mustalwaysrememberwhoit isthatisstrong and mighty–Hewho makesusmighty , and seek his acknowledgementalways.
Every marriedman hassome specificresponsibilities to play in the lifeofhis wife .remember , marriage is an institutioncreatedby God andhesets his rules. A man is to love his wife, when the scripture talks about love; it talks about sacrifice that you make for the betterment of someone else.
You can only measure love by your level of sacrifice and not by your satisfaction.To say that a man loves his wife is to talk about the sacrifice that he makes for her.“Husbands love your wives even as also Christ loved the assembly and gave up himself for it”. (Ephesians 5: 25). To talk about love is to talk about a cross. To talk about love is to talk about a savior.We have a savior in Christ and our wives ought to have a savior in us. We have a deliverer in Christ and our mates ought to have a deliverer in us.When you talk of loving your wife, you talk about carrying a cross.Jesus Christ did not die for us because we are loveable, Jesus died to make us loveable.
A man does not love his wife because she deserves to be loved; a man loves his wife in order to change her into someone loveable.The scripture talked about Jacob s love for Rachel, so much that he worked for fourteen years in order to gain permission to marry her from her father (Genesis 29).It is a hard price to pay, but a price of true love.“But God commanded his love to us, that while we where yet sinners, Christ died for us”. (Romans 5:8).Guess what?If you love your wife you have to sanctify her, you are to take her from the level where she is to the level where you want her to be.
When she shows you her problem, you are to fix it.You are the god of your home, what Jesus is to the church, you are to be to your wife.Husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. Christ gave himself to his church. Just as the man works out to make his body look good, he is to work his wife out to look good as well. Make sure that she is strong, fulfilled, provided for and satisfied. The father is the head of the home. The home is where the physical, emotional and spiritual grace of a child is nurtured.
A father who is aligned with God has the ability to call forth the grace of God through Love, care, provision, guidance and advice.A godly Father upholds the spiritual alter of the family, He sharpens and guides the child towards reaching the vision and purpose of his existence.And now words to you parents don’t keep on scolding and nagging your children making them angry and resentful rather bring them up with the loving discipline the lord himself approves with suggestion and godly advice. (Eph 6:4).
The greatest gift a father can give to the child is love. Just like God our heavenly father loves us his children. A child who has the convictionthat he has a fatherwho loveshim will alwaysputhis trust in his father simply put , when affection is shown to a child it brings out the best in the child, the child will have the consciousness that he hasa shoulderto cry and lean on , he has someone he can call a friendwhohe cantell his fears , share his vision and aspirations with and also confide in.Sure the rod of correction should not be spared but a father should also correct in love.
God is a merciful father who will always chastise and correct us in love whenever we go astray.“If a child asks his father for bread, will he be given a stone? If he asks for dish will he be given snake?Of course not! And if you men know how to give good gift to your children, won’t your heavenly father even more certainly give good gifts to those who ask him for them.” (Matthew 7:9-11).
Just like God, the primary function of a father is to provide for his children s need, Needs vary according to stages the need of your child when he is an infant may not be the same as when he is an adult. It can be physical, emotional, or a spiritual need.
A father should brace up to this task. The children are precious gifts which the lord has entrusted in your custody.As a father you are to provide and take care of their everyday needs because surely as caretakers, one day we will stand to give account on how well we have been able to bring up these children in the fear of God.
Victor Nwaorgu is a motivational speaker and prolific writer, with a mark of distinction. He makes himself relevant everywhere he goes. He is mandated with a mission to positively impact in the lives of many in this generation. He has a global vision geared towards making positive impact in the lives of youths all over the world. Victor has held various leadership positions within and outside the church.He holds a degree in Business Management from the Prestigious University of Hertfordshire United Kingdom and a first degree in Political science from Madonna University Nigeria. He is currently the Director of Media and Publicity at GCFN CONSULT and married to Promise Nwaorgu