Cristiano Ronaldo – FIFA Best Player of the year |
I wish to use this opportunity to congratulate Cristiano Ronaldo for emerging FIFA Best player of the year!
It\’s no mean feat.It\’s a well deserved honour for this great footballer who had a wonderful year. Won every trophy that could be both on club level and as a country.
I am really inspired by him as we begin the year and urge all our followers @ Arise Afrika to be hungry for more success this year.
How great do you want to be in this year 2017 and beyond?
How serious are you about being successful?
Is your desire for success as strong as your desire to live?
How many risks can you take to achieve success?
How many sleepless nights can you observe to succeed?.
How many Handwork can you put in to make your dream a reality?
Can you deprive yourself of your comfort zone in other to surpass yourself?
You can end this year outstanding like Cristiano Ronaldo. One great lesson I would like to share with you all is to PRESS ON TOWARDS THE FINISH LINE.
Persistence, determination are keys to success in life.
Beloved only when you are slightly uncomfortable in life can you grow. The increase, growth you desire will only come about by measure of some discomfort.
One sure way you can become better is by pushing yourself.
Tell yourself “This is not the best that I can be, I am better than this. This is not my space, this is not where I am designed to be” and before you know it, you will see yourself fly.
I remember vividly the story of the farmer who went into the forest and saw the egg of an Eagle which he brought and kept among that of a hen. All hatched eventually and the baby eagle grew among the chicks. He was until a time when he looked up to the sky and saw an Eagle flying up in the Sky. He longed to be like that bird up there.
He just couldn’t understand why he should be scratching like the chicks. He was not comfortable. The bird up in the sky kept noticing that this one too is sort of different from this ones and kept encouraging him to take a leap. Which he eventually did after the Eagle gave him some push.
You got to push yourself this year.
– Those who think that they would break at the end of the day never break.
That problem you think would crush you at the end of the day will make you better.
As we begin the year 2017, don’t get excited at yet, set your eyes on the finish line. Better is the end of a matter than the beginning thereof. Only when you push yourself can you grow. IT is by doing the difficult things that makes you a stronger human being. But usually are things we usually run away from.
Liberty is sweet but liberty has some measure of responsibility.
Are you ready to push yourself this year 2017?
People can go as much to push you but the ultimate push comes from you.
You can take a horse to the stream to drink but you cannot force the horse to drink water. Some people are comfortable with bondage\’s, it makes people to sympathize with them, say “sorry , ndoo how can we help you?”
Most people we see with injury, they have self inflicted wounds to draw sympathy because they are not ready to take responsibility.
Some enjoy laziness because they get free things. The Liberty we are talking about today is for growing up.
Your personal breakthrough is your personal responsibility.
How many are ready to push themselves?
Galatians 4
“An heir as long as he remaineth a child will be under control. Remain under tutelage, but when he grows up, he steps into his inheritance”
We need to grow up to match up to where we are going. To fit into where God is taking you.
The children of Israel after God took them out of bondage at a time, they prayed to go back to Egypt(bondage) because their master had provided for them while in slavery.
That’s the reason most people don’t get married.
“me, so that another man would control me.” They have a twisted mindset concerning marriage.
When the prodigal son came to himself, he matured after going through suffering he changed from the mentality of “give me” to “make me”
It is by going the difficult things that seem impossible at the very beginning that makes you a stronger human being.
In this life, we are all starters at some point but at the end not all would win. Not all will finish.
Everyone has started 2017. But not all would finish, not all would finish.
What will determine how we will finish is our perseverance. Your eyes must be on the finish line.
Paul said “We must run to win”
The way you start the year matters. Why is it important that we must run to win? We all have a race to finish.
HEB 12:1 & 1, Heb 11: 1, Acts 20:23-24.
Just as Apostle Paul, Bishop Oyedepo, Bro Emma Okorie, Ik Anyanwu has ministry. You also have a ministry. Everyone of us have a ministry.
Your Race is your walk with God
Your Ministry is your work for God
Ministry is not only in the church. Your ministry may be in that place God has planted you. i.e your office, school, neighborhood, wherever you may find yourself.
You can finish without wining. But you cannot win without finishing”
Don’t struggle to win. Fight to finish. Because if you finish, you are an automatic winner. You know why? The race we all are running has a time frame. As long as you finish, you are a winner. All us are timed. We all have 365 days this year. Your own year is not higher than my own year. No one has more than the order.
God has graciously given to us all what we need that pertains to this life and we must all work hard at becoming the best that God has created us to be.
Have a finishers mentality. A finisher puts into mind all the details. Don’t just target for wining at all cost, cutting corners to win. Some athletes at the end of a tournament are striped of the medals, prize or honor because they took hard drugs, or one misconduct or another. It might be after some years.
You can finish without wining but you cannot win without finishing.
THE SECRETS ABOUT IT IS IN: Enlarging, Increasing your capacity for more, and perseverance
Welcome to 2017, its my prayer that God would impact you with all that you need to succeed in Jesus name.
The woman of issue of blood said, “If only I can touch the helm of his garment, I believe that I would be made whole”
She persisted. And kept on pushing through the crowd/
With her consistent flow, I believe she was not strong but she persevered, and kept going. Some of us need to understand that a little discomfort will make a difference.
_ An extra prayer, an extra searching of scriptures, An extra giving, Fasting will make a great difference this year.
Struck down but not destroyed.
1SAIAH 10:27
“The yoke shall be broken by the risen of anointing”
ISH 46:13
“I am ready to set things right, not in distant future, but right now.”