The Founder Unique Women, Sis Chi Emma Okorie celebrates her Birthday.
Sis Chi Emma Okorie with Children
Today 20th May, 2017 , Sis Chi Emma Okorie, Founder of Unique Women International is plus one. On the social media, it has been encomiums, accolades and one wish by lives that this great woman has impacted upon. We at Arise Afrika join to wish this great woman , a mother in Isreal a happy birthday, Age with grace and many more happy returns of a happy birthday from all ofus at Arise Afrika.
It can be recalled that Owerri recently played host to this greatwomen, with prophetic grace during the 20017 SweetheartBanquet
May is usually a month to look forward to as the Unique Women holds annual sweetheart banquet in locations like Aba, Owerri, Lagos, PortHarcourt, Enugu, Abuja and Baltimore MD USA.
They are special events that enables the women take their husbands out, a unique opportunity to renew and rekindle the vows and fire in marriages.
The Vision of the Unique Women came as a bi product of the life of the Founder Sis Chinyere Emma Okorie. Doctors declared her barren, incapable of procreation after years of marriage.
She turned completed to God and became a mother of three- two females and a male who are worthy ambassadors of Christ in varying areas of endeavour. Today she is three times a grandmother. Out of the burden for the total women, Unique Women International was born.
A non-denominational fellowship based in many locations of Nigeria, USA, UK, Germany and Togo where Living Word Ministries has arms. Women from all walks of life are taught how to meet life’s needs, how to dress and package themselves modestly and decently without unnecessary extravagance.
They are taught to be prudent in managing family resource while completely avoiding impulsive buying. They learn to maintain good relationship with their husbands.
Women has been led to discover their God given graces and functioning in them for the common good, becoming pillars and back bones of their homes and churches. It is great joy to see young women mature into older women who teach others.
At Unique women are taught to cook health meals for their homes, they are taught how to age gracefully by engaging in exercises. As a result, fewer and fewer women can be seen with wrinkles.
They learn to marry their carries with ministry and homework. Much more importantly, women are groomed to meet their husbands needs, thus completely keeping away strange women. Their motto is “I will do him”