Greetings on our 60th Independence day celebration.
Over the last years, Nigera has lived with so much fear and uncertainties, insecurity; Boko Haram, xenophobic attacks, lack of peace, leadership failure, corruption, unemployment yet somehow she lived. Despite these challenges, she has kept faith with her shoulders held high and continued to thrive even when there was no hope with little abundance and a future that looks so gloom.
Today she celebrate her independence even though she is truly not independent.
Today as we celebrate, let us be inspired by the actions of those who committed their lives for our freedom. Let each and everyone strive to contribute our quota in making Nigeria great again as compatriots of our great nation.
Let us not despire no matter the obstacles that may come our way, let us treat our fellow countrymen as brothers and embrace peace.
Together with our collective efforts, Nigeria will be great again
Long live Nigeria
Long love Africa
Happy Independence Day Nigeria
Ikechukwu Anyanwu