Ogelle Music Countdown Begins, According to the following statement from their social media handle:
\”Good evening & Happy Easter! We are happy to announce that we have successfully migrated the web version of Ogéllé to a new architecture / user interface for ease of navigation around the platform. App version before 10th April. \”
\”We included 7 more categories; Ogelle Originals, Swahili Channel, Religion, Documentaries, E-Learning, Behind the Scene, and Sports. \”
As part of our 2nd year anniversary this April, we are introducing 2 new shows; Weekly Music Countdown & Movie Review to be anchored by beautiful Moni Osibodu & Marycolette Unamka.
Log on to www.ogelle.com today and enjoy free Unlimited Entertainment videos, 100% African. Ogéllé, African Content on a 100% African Platform.\”