As technology continued to evolves globally, ideas on how to better our environment is in the increase everyday; and there are also increase in ecological challenges facing the existence of human and the entire ecosystem.
The emissions of Co2 gas and subsequent depleting-damage of the ozone layer poses a major threat to the earth planet, And if nothing is done urgently,there could be a gradual catastrophic extinction of human race and every living organism,
So, there is no better time to this awareness of the threat on climate change and global warming in our environment order than now.
Ecopra technologies France is an Eco-tech driven partner in the automobile and energy sector; a major key player on environmental sustainability technology through the provision of its Pantone kits,
The invention and introduction of Ecopra Pantone kit provides a verifiable standard of sustainable energy , a better future and livelihood to our generation in this current global energy transition.
Ecopra technologies France tends to leverage technological standard through the designs and manufactures or innovation of Ecoora fuel saver, basically to deal with the issue on global fuel crises, providing you with fuel economy of 30 percentage gain and systematically reducing the deadly gaseous emissions of Co2 in our environment to 80 percent within the sphere
Interestingly, it’s fuel consumption average is measured at 4litres per 100km, most especially in heavy duty trucks, city vehicles, generators and motor bikes and subsequently reduces the emissions effect of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) that has done much damage to our environment over the years,it also serves 4litres of fuel in 15hours in generators given you a fuel economy of over 30percent in every full tank, thereby boast your economic benefits at the long-run.
Regrettably, despite the global campaign against the emissions of Co2 and collosal damage on the environment, Africans especially Nigerian remain hesitantly backward and ignorance on the danger of the ecological degradation and ozone layer depletion as an adverse effects of gas emissions, air pollution from motor vehicles, coal burning and flaring from industries.
To this effect,There is an urgent need to avert this catastrophes, the damage of the stratosphere, and continuous emissions of the carbons through the exploration of oil and gas industries in our locality.
So, This campaign on the effect of ozone layer depletion which resulted to global warming and impending catastrophe of the natural and human existence should be intensified to the reach of every door step, while sustainable technological solutions and approach should be adopted to preserve the ecosystem from gradual danger on the surface of the earthly planet.
In Nigeria, the increase of petrol pump price and the impact of Russia-Ukraine elongated war is gradually resharpening the global energy economy, It becomes very imperative to the world (Nigeria) to embrace this trending Pantone kits designed by Ecopra Technologies France, basically made to reduce the adverse effects of Co2 emission towards the the sustainability of entire globe.
It is on record, from many notable environmental experts(WHO) that gas emissions is the second most global threat after Hunger,such that human population is gradually facing existincial end without the knowledge of this facts,
So, As the threat on gas emissions and global warming continues , a possible approach on technological solution must be undertaken to curtail its consequencial effect on human Immune deficiency or failure, premature death and multiple of eye blindness in sub Saharan African countries.
Therefore, the impact of Ecopra Pantone kit cannot be over emphasized and it’s effectiveness cannot be felt in Nigeria without the help of the global community, especially in decimating this awareness towards our global health,We call on the government of Imo state through some relevant institution, ministries and agencies to partner with Ecopra Technologies to unvail this new technological ingenuity and subsequently implement this global task towards the sustainability of our environment and build a better future for our generation.
For, if there’s a better energy economy transition across the globe due to the Russian-Ukraine crises, and a world free from hazardous flaring of gas pollution, Ecopra Technologies is the Answer