Until Desperation meets Hunger and Readiness, Despair and Lack are two inevitable Factors that are bound to Erupt, join in the race of this desperate mission of changing your sphere of life with the \”Desperate People and other Spirit filled Authorities – (Apostle Emma Okorie) TAGGED: \”DESTINY CONFERENCE 2016\” at IMSU Auditorium on the 18th, 19th and 20th Nov. 2016, its a Season of Increase and Glory, Only the Desperate ones takes up the feat! For the Earth Awaits your manifestation and Power (Rom. 8:19)..For God shall deliver unto you the Key to all Doors! Make it a date and be There, see u at d Top🏃🏻🏃🏻. #DESPERATE PEOPLE 2016. #LWCC IMSU
Enter your comment…Its a must attend am not gonna miss it